01 March 2018 -

Chef Diego Guerrero inaugurates the expo Made in Spain

The Asociación Creadores de Moda de España, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment of the Government of Spain, offered an exclusive show cooking by Spanish chef Diego Guerrero, avouched with two Michelin Stars, to inaugurate the Spanish fashion designer’s exhibit "Made in Spain: la mode au-delà des frontières" in the Residence of the Spanish Ambassador in Paris. A wonderful collaboration between two creative industries as important for Brand Spain such as fashion and gastronomy, the latter supported by the quality of Foods from Spain.

This show cooking was attended by numerous French journalists specialized in fashion and gastronomy, as well as Spanish correspondents stationed in Paris. Outstanding figures of culture and fashion, such as the new director of the Galliera Museum, Miren Arzalluz, and the artistic director of JM Weston and fashion curator, Olivier Saillard, did not miss the appointment to see first-hand the novelties our country brings of the best Spanish designers united with haute cuisine.

And so it comes about that Spanish fashion invades during the date of March 1st the rooms of the Residence of the Ambassador of Spain in Paris with this great exhibition that gathers the most representative pieces of the spring / summer 2018 and fall / winter 2018-2019 collections of the most outstanding Spanish designers. This initiative has the participation of 44 fashion brands among which are both our most international designers and those who are beginning to open up markets abroad.

