07 May 2024 - News

Carlota Barrera inaugurates CONVERSATIONS ON CRAFT VOL.1 at Central de Diseño, Matadero Madrid

Fashion brand Carlota Barrera moves away from traditional fashion calendars to open its first exhibit “Conversations on Craft Vol.1” from 8th to 13th of May in Madrid. Dimad, the setting chosen by the designer to recreate the most intimate corners of her universe, generates an intergenerational conversation that invites us to stop, reflect and appreciate the value of handmade work in contemporary fashion.

Crafts and cultural heritage
Sharing the process behind her collections, previously presented in London, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona, Carlota Barrera seeks to convey the beauty of craftsmanship in dialogue with fashion, and the appreciation for the time spent learning and producing everyday crafts as well as the importance of crafts for industry, society and as a cultural heritage.

All Carlota Barrera collections have a common denominator: deconstructed garments that can only exist with meticulous production. Her designs experiment, as seen in tailored jackets, smoking shirts and other classic shirting silhouettes and in different variations of natural fabrics, with a classic concept. “I am fascinated by the process of reinterpreting the classics in a very contemporary language.” states the designer.
