08 July 2019 -

Connection Fashion & Art in Madrid es Moda

Fashion and art, together, exhibit their close relationship during the days of this Urban Fashion Festival, which allows us to enjoy both disciplines from other perspectives. Such as those offered by the exhibit "Textile designs of an art collector" at the Lázaro Galdiano Museum. A journey through textile production from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century with samples of medieval Islamic fabrics, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, etc. that show the different designs adopted throughout history and how the development of textile design took place independently of the original uses given to the fabrics. You may visit the exhibit until September 30th acquiring the entrance of the museum or through a raffle at MeM of 5 double tickets.

Detalle de los diseños textiles de la Exposición del Museo Lázaro Galdiano

Detail of the textile designs of the Lázaro Galdiano Museum Exhibition

On the other hand, National Museum Thyssen Bornemisza has wished to join once again Madrid es Moda. And does so with a very special raffle for key fashion collectors, a printed copy of the exhibit catalogue “Balenciaga and Spanish painting”, the most important exhibition dedicated to the fashion master that is breaking visiting records in the capital.

Obra de la Exposición Balenciaga y la pintura española

Work of art from the exhibit “Balenciaga and Spanish painting”.

Also, the Museo del Traje could not miss this edition with a very original action. The costume museum has opened the doors of their "wardrobe", offering a unique opportunity to fashion fans and students: to delve into the archives and get to know the stored funds of this important garment collection.

Algunas prendas de la colección que guarda el Museo del Traje

Some items from the collection housed by the Museo del Traje

And from the "wardrobe" of Museo del Traje we visit the one in Teatro Real. Their workshops treasure thousands of pieces and accessories. In them a great part of the magic of their shows is created: the costumes and the characterization of the characters. On July 19th, the winners of the MeM raffle of 10 double tickets, will have the opportunity of accessing these workshops and see live and direct where the theatrical costumes are made with haute couture finishes, designed by prestigious costume designers, and worn by the opera’s protagonists.

Talleres de sastrería y caracterización del Teatro Real de Madrid

Wardrobe ateliers and characterization of the Teatro Real, Madrid

Finally, we cannot forget the exhibit of looks and pieces of haute couture at the National Museum of Decorative Arts, which we have already advanced in other news and that may be visited until next July 14th for free.

The activities around Madrid is Moda continue, keep updated through its website.

PHOTOS: Leased by the Museums.

PHOTOS: Teatro Real: Javier del Real[:]
