02 December 2013 -

The sports elite dressed by Spanish fashion

The agreement between the Asociación Creadores de Moda de España (ACME) and the Higher Council of Sports / Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) has reached today one of its major milestones with the celebration of the National Sports Awards / Premios Nacionales de Deporte. The event has accounted with the collaboration of the ACME designers, who have dressed the best athletes of the country for this special occasion. Her Majesty Queen Sofia, Prince and Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Doña Elena, accompanied by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Jose Ignacio Wert, and the President of the Higher Council of Sports / Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) Miguel Cardinal, have presided this act in which have been awarded the most outstanding personalities in the sports world during the past year. Olympic taekwondo champion Joel Gonzalez, collected the Prince Felipe Award in a Roberto Verino suit. The recognition for Best Young Athlete of the Year has befallen to Ana Peleteiro, who wore a model by the creator Ion Fiz. The girls of the women's water polo team, who have received the Baron de Güell gold cup in recognition of the gold achieved in the Barcelona World Championship and the silver medal won at the Olympics in London, dressed models by various designers of ACME. The team captain Jennifer Pareja chose a look by Ailanto to collect the award. Ana Copado and Lorena Miranda attended dressed by Roberto Verino; Marta Bach attended the date in the Palace of El Pardo with a model by Teresa Helbig; Andrea Blas by Menchén Tomás; Anna Espar by Purification Garcia and Maica Garcia by Kina Fernandez. Likewise, Laura Lopez wore a signature suit by Roberto Torretta; Ona Meseguer a dress by Custo Barcelona; Mati Ortiz and Pilar Peña dressed by Juana Martin, and Patricia Herrera wore a design by Jorge Vazquez. The great event of national sport has enjoyed the presence of sports personalities such as Amaya Valdemoro, the basketball champion attended the event with a creation by Alma Aguilar. The president of ACME, Modesto Lomba, and the executive director of the Association, Pepa Bueno, wanted to be present at the event to support the splendid agreement by which fashion and sport unite.

