23 November 2023 - News

Tribute to Jesús Mari Montes-Fernández for supporting "Made in Spain" during 30 years

Fashion journalist, Jesús Mari Montes-Fernández, received yesterday a recognized Tribute for supporting “Made in Spain” during 30 years from ACME’s president, Modesto Lomba and top model and TV presenter, Nieves Álvarez.

The world of fashion, designers, companies, public relations and many friends of the sector, with some well-known faces, wished to pay tribute to Jesús Mari Montes-Fernández for 30 years of personal dedication, in body and soul, giving visibility to Spanish fashion.

The Wellington Hotel witnessed a historic meeting: the photo that has brought together a large part of the Spanish textile and fashion sector around the figure of said journalist specialized in fashion. Custo Barcelona, Lola Casademunt, Nuria Sardá, Juan Avellaneda and Angel Tribaldos from Pertegaz arrived from Barcelona, as well as former director of Barcelona's Bridal Week, Ester Maria Laruccia; from Granada, Pilar Dalbat; Juana Martín and José Perea from Córdoba, and Mercedes de Miguel from Burgos; Ernesto Naranjo and Tolentino, also present in the Tribute, from Andalusia; Hannibal Laguna from Valencia; Isabel Zapardiez from San Sebastián; Marcos Luengo from Asturias, and Roberto Verino from Orense.

All these well-known names joined those who live in Madrid:
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Oteyza, Carlos Duarte, Modesto Lomba, Miguel Marinero, Acromatyx, Manu Fernández, Teria Yabar, Sara Navarro, Candela Cort, Otrura, Carolina Herrera, María Lafuente, Juan Carlos Mesa de Maison Mesa, Malne, The Extreme Collection, Eugenio Recuenco, Felipao, Joquín Prats, Elena Fraguas de Mirto, Nacho Sierra, director of Pedro del Hierro, Santiago Bandrés, Felix Ramiro, Elena Benarroch, Marina Conde and Eugenio Loarce.

In short, more than 40 names of Spanish prêt-á-porter that brings together a broad panorama of “Made in Spain”. All these names, together with former model and current businesswoman Raquel Revuelta, director of Simof Flamenco Pasarela, Ester Maria Laruccia, former director of the Barcelona Bridal Week and Montse Ribas, Corporate Director of the Puig Group (the fifth largest fashion and beauty multinational in the world), form the most comprehensive x-ray of the Spanish fashion sector, ever brought together in one event.

The honouree Jesús Mari Montes-Fernández has developed his entire audio-visual career in fashion, in the programs of his house, RTVE. In 1993 he founded the TV program “Corazón, Corazón” together with Cristina García Ramos, who did not want to miss this Tribute. Later, he collaborated in “The Adventure of Knowledge” and founded the “Flash Moda Monographs” programs, a prelude to what is the current TV program, “Flash Moda”.
