22 April 2014 -

Hurray mi size!

The Asociación Creadores de Moda de España collaborates with the Directorate General for Women in organizing the conference "Hurray my size. Fashion and Health" to be held on Thursday April 24th at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid (Puerta del Sol, 7).

The purpose of this working day is to showcase, from the perspective of various professionals, how fashion is a part of our daily lives. Laying upon the table all the positive aspects of fashion and trends consistent with self-esteem and well-being. As a general rule fashion is regarded as something banal and sometimes harmful, and even being made responsible for eating disorders.

But the fashion phenomenon and its connection to health and the human body is much more complex. Of this relationship that women currently maintains with fashion, her body and her well being, is what will be discussed during the various lectures of the day "Hurray my size", with the participation of designers Juanjo Oliva, Dolores Cortés and Nuria Sardá; nutritionist Concha Vidales, Olympic sports woman Lidia Valentin, journalist Silvia Alexandrowitch, and Marta Blanco, President of the Association of Friends of the Museo del Traje.

Maquetación 1

Click in the image to see the full program.
