.. fashion is always that: future, prediction, divination of the elusive tendencies that will come and go, fleeting as the wind ... Precisely because fashions change, fashion as a phenomenon exists and remains." I have had the privilege of reading, before arriving at the bookstores at the end of the year, the book The Eighth Art. Fashion in Contemporary Society, by the Galician professor José María Paz Gago, and I bring it to collation here, not only to recommend it to anyone who reads these lines but also because of the pertinence of this quote as far as the transience and permanence of fashion are concerned and of the lives of those us dedicate to it: we have just received in the Association the results of the last edition of Madrid es Moda last September and we have already started preparing the next edition of February 2017. This runs that it flies.
Special window shop of Roberto Verino's store during the celebration of Madrid es Moda
And the results could not be more optimistic: press coverage valued at more than € 3,220,000; more than 700 appearances have been recorded on television, radio, print and online; in social networks, our posts on Facebook and Instagram have reached more than 700,000 people in Madrid and close by and we have grown in almost 3,000 new followers in Facebook. On Twitter we already have more than 110,000 people following our news about Spanish fashion! Madrid es Moda has been visited more than 1,400,000 times.
Exhibit “Costumes for Shakespeare and Cervantes” with pieces (from left to right) by Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Maria ke Fisherman, Manémané and Etxeberría.
There have been more than 80 participants among designers, shops, museums, bookstores ... who have carried out 65 actions in the centre of the capital and in a period of 10 days. The exhibition in Conde Duque, “Costumes for Shakespeare and Cervantes”, which has united literature and fashion in a fruitful dialogue full of creativity, has been the action that has aroused more interest, followed by the section of our web of Madrid es Moda dedicated to Shopping And Discounts. And this shows perfectly what fashion represents, a complex binomial of culture and industry.
Intervention by designer Cristina Piña in Platea during the latest edition of Madrid es Moda.