04 March 2015 -

Relevant Spanish presence at the trade shows in Paris

ACME collaborates in another edition with ICEX to coordinate the grouped presence of Spanish creators who attend the trade shows that take place during the Semaine des Créateurs and which are held from 6th to 9th March in Paris.

Over forty Spanish brands market their proposals for fall-winter 2015/2016 in the main halls and showrooms in the city. An event not-to-be-missed in the calendar of major international buyers and agents.

The label Wilhelmina Garcia will participate again in Capsule Show. In Paris Sur Mode will be Ailanto, Justicia Ruano, Lebor Gabala, Monoplaza, Coldelrosso and Menchén Tomas. In Première Classe participating are shoes, jewellery and accessories brands such as Megumi Ochi, Andrés Gallardo, Paloma Barceló, 5ymedio, Anton Heunis, Castañer, Helena Rohner, Magro Cardona, Oona and Chie Mihara.

Tranoï will be attended by Jorge Vazquez JV, D-DUE, Cristina Zazo, Miriam Ocariz, OH! ... OH! and Marlota in the enclave of the Carrousel du Louvre. Alvarno, The 2nd Skin Co., Juan Vidal and Miguel Marinero will be in Montaigne. While Knitbrary, Laura B, Uke and Jorge Morales participate in Tranoï Bourse.

Ion Fiz participated in the Zip-Zone salon. The Box will feature the presence of accessories brands La Jara Jewelery and The Code. Mercules, Zubi, Pertegaz, Herida de Gato, will be in Woman Paris. While Juanjo Oliva will attend, on this occasion Vendôme Luxury.

Amaya Arzuaga, DelPozo, Maria Ke Fisherman, Pedro García and Sybilla will market their collections in various showrooms in the city.
