25 June 2024 - News

SKFK launches a zero waste capsule collection with garments produced on demand

SKFK, in its continuous commitment to sustainability and innovation has implemented a bold new production strategy by launching a capsule collection consisting of 3 garment models (2 t-shirts and 1 dress, made in different fabrics) exclusively produced in only necessary quantities and on demand, thus eliminating overproduction and unnecessary, inactive stocks.

Mass manufacturing has long been the dominant model in the fashion industry. However, the fashion brand from Bilbao acknowledges the urgent need for change, which is why it continually strives to innovate by finding ways to reduce environmental impact. SKFK's fundamental priority has become producing strictly what is necessary without generating excess stock.

The main objective of SKFK's zero waste garments is to avoid wasting fabric when cutting patterns. Therefore, they present more rectangular and geometric designs, thus optimizing the use of fabric and significantly reducing waste.

Their artisanal methodology guarantees that each garment is made with meticulous attention to detail achieving the highest quality. In order to do this, the brand reuses leftover fabrics from previous productions, a significant step towards reducing textile waste and minimizing environmental impact.
