10 July 2015 -

The Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre will create the labels Moda España

The Confederation of Fashion Companies from Spain and The Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (National Mint and Stamp) sign an agreement to create the identification labels "Moda España". This seal is intended to ensure that products proceeding from the industry in our country are grouped together and recognisable in the global market.

The Casa Real de la Moneda was the place chosen to sign the agreement, an act that was attended by Modesto Lomba, President of the Asociación de Creadores de Moda de España, evidencing thus the support and backing by ACME of the initiative.

Starting next month of September, all the items of the brands which back this initiative and meet the stipulated requirements will incorporate two labels on their products: "Diseñado en España" (“Designed in Spain”) and "Hecho en España" (“Made in Spain”), with the aim of enabling the consumer to recognise the products designed and manufactured entirely in our country.[:]
