12 April 2016 -

The meaning of numbers

The title of this blog does not mean that I have suddenly turned Pythagorean and want to decipher the hidden meanings of numbers, no. What I want to talk about is about the importance, the interest that the work of our designers arises within and beyond our borders. In the last edition of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, the press appearances by ACME designers has been calculated; according to monitoring company Seinpre -  to hold a value equivalent to € 32,670,435, almost 20% more than in the previous edition of September 2015. There were 8,500 impacts between print, online, radio and television and a potential number of recipients of more than 15 million.

Regarding Madrid es Moda, name under which are grouped all the actions related to fashion design taking place in the centre of the capital during the same days as the fashion shows, the global monetization in appearances amounted to 2,391,594€ in its second edition.

And I continue. In early March, in Paris and at the same time as the French fashion week, ACME organized for the third time in the residence of the ambassador of Spain, Made in Spain: La Mode au delà des Frontières. This event, which has an exhibition format, functions as a networking operation between Spanish designers and the sector’s press and professionals who are at that time in the French capital.  The opening of the exhibition was attended by 450 guests, including journalists from Russia, Italy, Britain, Japan, Argentina and France, together with important magazines such as Vogue Italia, Elle France, Marie Claire Italy, L'Officiel France, Biba, Bunka Magazine, Cosmopolitan France or Stern, among others. Even the French luxury magazine L'Officiel sent one of its cartoonists to collect images of the event, which later will appear between the fashion week highlights that should not be missed. Directors and heads of the fashion department of the main Spanish women's magazines were also there (from here our thanks to Vogue, Telva, Marie Claire, SModa, Elle) and TVE recorded and interviewed the creators who attended the event for FlashModa TV program.

In brief, Spanish design matters, and numbers, with their rotundity, come to prove it.[:]
