The "Women Warriors" of the Spanish handball team have collected their medals for the Real Orden del Mérito Deportivo at the headquarters of the Consejo Superior de Deportes / Higher Council for Sports, dressed in models by the designers of ACME; Adolfo Dominguez, Ana Locking, Angel Schlesser, Duyos, Jorge Vazquez, Juanjo Oliva for Elogy, Miguel Marinero and Pedro del Hierro.
The ceremony was chaired by the Minister for Education, Culture and Sport, Jose Ignacio Wert, accompanied by the President of the Consejo Superior de Deportes / Higher Council for Sports, Miguel Cardinal, by the president of Correos / Postal Service, Javier Cuesta, and the president of the Real Federación Española de Balonmano / Royal Spanish Handball Federation, Francisco Blázquez.
Wert welcomed the initiative of the athletes to dress up the sportswomen in models by the designers of ACME, "it s a perfect way to bring together the values of sport with that which fashion represents in Spain; and this is Brand Spain: sporting excellence and design excellence."[:]