ACME’s Board Members held a working meeting with the wife of the President of the Government, Begoña Gómez, presenting her the project with which ACME, as an Association, defends the interests of Spanish fashion and promotes all kinds of activities to promote the fashion sector, inside and outside of our country.
During their meeting, Modesto Lomba as ACME's President, Roberto Torretta as Vice President, Juan Duyos as Treasurer, Pedro Trólez (Delpozo) as Secretary, Nuria Sardá as Vocal and Pepa Bueno, Executive Director of the Association, also transmitted the great cultural and economic value of fashion in Spain. The companies that are part of this industry account for 2.9% of Spanish GDP, a higher percentage than the entire primary sector (agriculture, fishing and livestock). Another of the topics discussed were the current needs of the sector, among which internationalization is a priority.
The Museo del Traje was the venue chosen for this first meeting, demonstrating that Spanish fashion is a vital industry in the construction of the country’s brand.
From left to right, Pepa Bueno, Nuria Sardá, Juan Duyos, Roberto Torretta, Modesto Lomba, Begoña Gómez and Pedro Trólez.