Malne's country girl

Malne present the new spring/summer 2024 collection at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid titled “The country girl”. The fashion brand is inspired by a North American country style and aesthetic, the universe of cowgirls and cowboys from USA, including the training and breeding of horses, all with an urban and sophisticated vision.

Always sensual, the Malne woman dresses in cowboy boots and western USA hats in different materials and finishes. The feminine silhouettes are made up of fluid dresses, tailoring with volumes on the shoulders, and sets where the shirt-dress stands out from the rest.

As part of the brand's identity, the color range plays with the dichotomy of black and white in total monochrome looks, which is broken with ochre, mustard and prints with equestrian references. The elegance of sequins is also present in a collection that showcases a woman with power, control and seduction.

Spring-Summer 2024